

I must say that first off, I apologize for the long delay between my last entry and this one but it is not entirely my fault. Let me explain. Each semester about 2 weeks before finals start I like to head into the library a couple of nights a week and spend some time preparing for the end of the semester. You know, write papers, study a little bit, make sure I have all my work turned in, all that good stuff. So this semester just like all the others I started my weekly ritual and headed into the library. I was doing well, I had about 7 pages on a few different papers completed, had finished some other assignments, and was beginning my studying. Well that Friday, I came downstairs in the evening planning on listening to some music and getting ready for my soccer game. Unfortunately my computer was frozen so I restarted it and got the infamous blue screen of death. I know all (two) of you are thinking "oh no!" but oh yes. It's true. Well needless to say I had to take my computer to the apple store and I had a faulty hard drive. They took care of everything for me, cleaned my computer, gave me a new hard drive, and returned it to me in a very timely manner. However, EVERYTHING was lost. All my papers, all my homework, and even all my work that I had been compiling for a portfolio due at the end of the semester. Now you might be saying "well, why didn't you back up your work, dummy." Yes, I realize that and I could make the excuse that I lost my flash drive and didn't have anything else to back my work up on but I know I should and could have found SOMETHING. So all that to say that I've been playing catch up for a while with all of my assignments and have been neglecting my blogging.

I was gonna blog about this upcoming summer and some other stuff too but this is a pretty long post already so I'll save that for my next one.


carsonbelmont said...

I guess I'll forgive you for now.

trevor van meter said...

now u have leopard, buy an external hard drive, it does automatic back up for you up to a year or more... it will be a life saver next time.. also, i hate you guys for already being on summer break.. 5 more weeks.. the countdown begins.. ttul bud

Justin Blomgren said...

soo, what are you doing this summer? Dude have fun at the bookstore. I had a blast last summer working there.

AdamCook said...

haha i know i'm seriously going to look into an external, keep trucking with school bud

Justin, I'm just working and going on ISP bud. Those are my two plans haha and I'm really looking forward to this summer I think its gonna be a blast in the bookstore. We'll really miss you but I look forward to talking to you and hearing updates about your guys trip!