
Adam Cooks Commencement Commotion

So this passed weekend/Monday was a flurry of VERY exciting events! First off... I have obviously started a blog. My roommate who many of you know as Carson has been encouraging me to do a blog. I went back and forth for a while as I already have a face/space and multiple emails to stay on top of. I put it off for a long time but tonight sitting in my living room alone reflecting on this past weekend while listening to Something Corporate I decided that I wanted a new forum where I could think "out loud". Fortunately for Carson this came in the form of a blog. As I said that the beginning of my post however, there were a lot of exciting things that happened this weekend, the least of being my blog. One of these things is that it was Hannah Price's birthday on Saturday. If you have not yet be sure to wish her a happy birthday! The Price family have taken me in as one of their own since I have been out here in California for school and are continuing to be SUCH a blessing to my life! Getting a chance to celebrate Hannah who has become like a sister to me was so much fun and a definite highlight of this first semester. Also my brother (Drew) and my sister-in-law (Holly), have just moved out here from back home in Chicago to be closer to her family and the headquarters for where they work, e3 Partners. They arrived on Saturday night and were able to come up to church with me on Sunday and a picnic in Oak Glen afterwards. The three of us (among others of course) were able to spend the day together Sunday PLUS they came back on Monday for my birthday which was truly one of the best gifts I could receive. My brother and I are very close as are his wife and I. It was one of the best weekends/birthdays I have had in a long time so thank you to all of my friends/people who participated in making it a memorable weekend to say the least.

Getting the chance to see my brother and spend time with each other gave us a chance to talk about home and the fun times we had growing up. Here are a few pictures of Drew and I from the summer that we got to spend together at home.


janelle said...

adam, we are not even best friends and i am the first one to comment on your blog. yes! welcome to blogging. its a whole new world (aladdin style). also, i really like the quote on the bottom of your page. very thought provoking and oh so true.

your videos are so entertaining and i watch them multiple times because they are so hilarious, but watch out because kinsley and i will be debuting one of our own soon.

carsonbelmont said...

Nice bud, perfect debut blog, "and I could not ask for more."