
Day 21

Thursday afternoon,

Not too much has happened over here since the last time I blogged considering it was yesterday afternoon BUT there are a few things I would like to share with you.

The first being of course that Mical got home! Woohoo! I got to Skype with her last night and it was GREAT to "see" her.

The second is a new top 5.

Things I love about Japan in no particular order.

1. Public Transportation
2. Japanese Vending Machines (this is no joke, they're EVERYWHERE)

3. Eating every meal with chopsticks
4. Excellency=Efficiency. I literally rode the bus to the other side of town, got dinner (fresh stir fry cooked in front of me) ate it, and was back in my apartment in 45 minutes.
5. Umami

Thank you Japan.

More to come when there's more to tell!


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